Control group

The meaning of the word Control group is: the group of people in a study or experimentation that do not take the treatment or action


Research found that the weight loss product worked because the control group maintained their weight whereas the experimental group took the product and lost a lot of weight.

published by Tatum on 2021-02-05 19:40:32

In the experiment, the people in the control group were told to behave naturally because the scientists would be comparing the other group’s behavior who ingested the medicine.

published by Tequila on 2021-10-23 12:04:34

Even though the control group in the study were not administered any medication, some of them sustained side effects due to the cold temperature in the room.

published by Chara on 2021-05-16 02:23:46

Since the control group remained steady with their body temperature, the conclusion from the study revealed that the medication does affect the body’s reaction.

published by Lizbeth on 2021-08-07 22:08:26

After using potting mix for the first group of plants, the control group for the second group of plants did not receive any potting mix in the study.

published by Johnathon on 2021-12-23 16:17:13

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